
pc neo avatar image
pc neo asked Felix Möhlmann commented

3D push to List with PF pull from List not working

Attached is a sample model.forumQues.fsm This model has 3D objects with capacity of more than 1. These objects will pull items from a list with flowitems pushed into the list in PF. In PF upon flowitems are pulled out from the list, it will get an operator to load/unload the flowitem.

The issue is that upon completing unloading the first flowitem, the 3D objects does not continue to pull items from the list, though it has capacity for more. Is there something that need to be change in the model?issue.png

It is interesting to note that if the action in PF is changed to "move object" then the 3D objects will pull items from list to fill to its full capacity.ok.png

FlexSim 24.1.0
list pullfixed resource
issue.png (65.4 KiB)
ok.png (65.3 KiB)
forumques.fsm (75.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

When pushing the items to a list as part of the queues "Send to Port" option and apparently also when using the Move Object activity, the puller/receiving object is told that it can receive a new item. This does not happen when an item is unloaded.

You can manually to this with the command "receiveitem()".


I'm writing this as a comment only for now, in the hopes that someone else can shed more light onto the exact timing and which actions cause the objects to receive another item.

forumques-1.fsm (72.3 KiB)
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