
felicity avatar image
felicity asked felicity commented

Loading and unloading multiple items by crane using process flow logic

I want to load and unload 10 items at once (I want the crane to go down and up again only once) and I have checked several questions here, however none of them seem to work for my model. I'll upload a test model and describe what exactly I want the model to do work as described below:

1) There are 2 types of items. each type must be sent to a specific inventory. Items of type 1 must be transferred to Inv2 and items of type 2 must be transferred to Inv3 and Inv4. Here I would like to know how I can refer to both these inventories in my process flow without having to define them as a resource (So that when other cranes also want to unload items in the same inventories they don't have to wait for the Inv3 or Inv4 to be released)

2) I tried two different methods to load 10 items at a time but they don't seem to work. What is wrong with the model?

Thanks in advance

test- loading 10 items by a crane.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.0
craneload multiple itemobject referencingprocess flo
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered felicity commented

You're invoking your process for each item entering inv1 which is not matching the logic you have following. Either batch those into a single token with an array of items to pick, or create a single token that loops around the process pulling items from inv1's list.

Also at the moment token.item is only ever going to be one item as you're not assigning it the list of pulled items from the list.

Lastly - you can remove the crane's travel tasks - it only does offset travel by default.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered felicity edited

here is an example: Push items on Itemlist not Tasksequence List in Use Transport of Queue1 -> similar to Tutorial. Process Flow > Batch Item activity > Aggregation: make an Array -> run sub flow activity to load multiple items -> run subflow to unload multiple items.


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