
mni_pei avatar image
mni_pei asked Ben Wilson answered

I cannot resolve blank empty model space screen

When I started using Flexsim, I found that it shows blank empty screen in 3D model.

There is no grid and I cannot drag any object onto that, but the process flow chart seems that it can still work.

However, no problems have occurred in the past few days.

I have tried to Open FlexSim's default workspace, Update the graphics driver,etc.

That is, I tried all the methods described on this website(Special cases), but I still cannot resolve the problem.

Has anyone encountered similar problems?



FlexSim 23.0.14
blank screen
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered

Hi @mni_pei,

Your graphics driver is definitely non-standard:


To meet FlexSim's system requirements you should have local graphics hardware, for instance from Nvidia, AMD, or Intel, plus an updated driver. You appear to have some other situation. Are you connecting remotely to FlexSim, or some other non-PC way of running FlexSim?

The mention of "mesa" in your driver information ( suggests a Linux bare-metal environment, so perhaps FlexSim is running in a virtual machine?

Please let us know more about your specific environment or computer system.

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mni_pei avatar image mni_pei commented ·

Hi @Ben Wilson ,

I'm not sure whether I have a remote connection to FlexSim, or some other non-PC way of executing FlexSim by accident.

If so , can you teach me to fix this problem?

I prefer using Flexsim on PC to having a remote connection to FlexSim.

There is an additional information about my graphics hardware.


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mni_pei avatar image mni_pei mni_pei commented ·

I resolve this problem !!!

I try to adjust the display adapter, and my Flexsim become normal.

Thanks !

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