
Joey A avatar image
Joey A asked Joey A commented

2 tokens pulling 1 item from list


I am trying to get my forklift operator to load 2 pallets to an AGV. In the "unload trailer" section of my process flow i am pushing to a list for pallets that are available for loading to an AGV. My problem is that the "pull from Load list" in the Load AGV section is pulling the same item from the list to perform its process on. I have a feeling its related to the create tokens process in my AGV movement section. Can you help me understand what I'm doing wrong in this approach?

thank you!


AGT Simulation 6 create tokens.fsm

FlexSim 23.0.5
agvpull from listcreate tokens
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Joey A commented

In the "Unload Trailer" section you are pushing the tokens to the list, so those are what is pulled in the "Load AGV" section. The item reference still stems from the token from "AGV Movement" that created the puller token and copied its labels to it.

Using the AGV template will lead to problems with the current implementation. For each item that is pushed to the work list, a second item is supposed to be loaded onto the AGV with the Process Flow you have build. That second item will itself be on the AGV work list and later be pulled despite already having been moved.

The main agv control should mostly just be a linear loop here: Drive to queue, wait until two pallets are loaded, drive to destination, wait until unloaded, repeat. The AGV work list is not needed.

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Joey A avatar image Joey A commented ·
Your explanation about my problem helped me figure out a way to do it. I dropped the reference to the label item from the AGV. Instead I carried over the label name from my pallet that was pushed to my "IB Staging to AGV Queue" list. that allowed me to use the token.TH label to make sure i was always referencing a different pallet.

I also set up a zone around the pull from load list activities to avoid 2 tokens pulling the same toke...i did that by setting the zone limit to 1.

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