
Ankur A3 avatar image
Ankur A3 asked Felix Möhlmann answered

How to set up custom combiner in process flow?

Hi Team,

I have to combine the parts based on dynamic label value on item. I tried using 3D objects, but I faced challenges while transferring the label from item to combiner. I referred to old posts and I am trying to create and control the combiner using process flow.


Facing issues for item entry in custom combiner object. Could you help me to resolve it?

Thank you!


FlexSim 23.1.1
process flowcustom combinerdynamic combiner count
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

There currently are no labels on the item that show how many items to pull. And there is also no distinction between red, green and blue as the recoloring suggests there should be.

Since this is not an Object Process Flow, current does not make sense in the Custom Code activities that should make the Fixed Resource receive an item. It should be a valid reference to the combiner object.


And the "pulled" label does not exist on the token in the subflow before it has pulled something. So it can't be used to determine the pull quantity.


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