
Jouky D avatar image
Jouky D asked Nil Ns answered

Change Color AGV Path using FlexScript

Hello everyone,

I am trying to change the color of the path using a color palette. However, setcolor does not change the color of the path, neither path.color. I have seen this post . However, it seems the answers are blocked and I need to change to color of the paths by flexScript while the question asked for the AGV Network's Menu. Why it does not work? How can I solve it?

Thank you! :D

FlexSim 23.2.1
agvcolor changeagv paths
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1 Answer

Nil Ns avatar image
Nil Ns answered

Hey Jouky,

You can use the Color Class, followed by the code that applies the changes:

  1. Object o = Model.find("AGVNetwork/Path1");
  2. o.color =;
  3. function_s(o,"finalizeSpatialChanges");

I hope it helps!

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