
Lucas Rodrigues avatar image
Lucas Rodrigues asked Felix Möhlmann commented

On AGV Offset Travel trigger does not activate

I've noticed the On AGV Offset Travel trigger does not activate when using the attach/detach or couple/uncouple commands.

In the attach model, there are three distinct logics. The first one uses load/unload in the 3D environment, the second uses process flow, and the third relies on attach and detach commands. Only in the last case does the 'On AGV Offset Travel' not fire. Is this the expected behavior?"


FlexSim 24.2.1
agvtriggerstravel offset
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

Offset travel is a part of load and unload tasks. No such task is given in the third configuration, so it's expected that the trigger doesn't fire.

You can also invoke offset travel by using the "Pick Offset" and "Place Offset" task types (Custom Task activity). This is the same logic that gets executed during a load/unload task.

But what you probably actually want to do is use the option to have the AGV stop so that one of its trailers is located at the destination.


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Lucas Rodrigues avatar image Lucas Rodrigues commented ·

Hi Felix! Thank you for the answer.

I tried to use "Pick Offset" or "Place Offset" but it seems that the trailer can`t be found in the AGV network.



The only way I get something similar is using "Path Offset" on the AGV Travel activity.

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Lucas Rodrigues commented ·
The mention of Pick and Place Offset was more for completeness sake. It's not great in this situation and will also not work with all objects.

Could you explain what you exact goal is? Why do you need the offset travel?

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Lucas Rodrigues avatar image Lucas Rodrigues Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Hey Felix,

I think your first answer solved my doubt regarding when the "On AGV Offset Travel" activates. But I was trying to find some solution for an exception I`m having.

I wasn't able to replicate that exception in a simple model, but I can explain the issue. The AGV travels to a control point (CP) and picks up only part of a full train. I need a positive offset distance from that CP to be able to pick trailers ahead. The problem occurs when, at a certain model time (as the offset distance increases), I get an exception that was unable to find a destination path to the CP, even though it was working before the offset distance was increased.

I think it might be related to the way the path was built, but I’m not sure. I would appreciate any insights you might have on that.

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