
Jimmy jang avatar image
Jimmy jang asked Jimmy jang answered

Flexsscript exception:Invalid down cast

Good day i am getting 2 types of exceptions while running the simulation.

the exception message are
exception : Flexscript exception : Invaild down cast. Object is not an instance of the target type. at MODEL:/Tools/ProcessFlow/Stop

exception : Flexscript exception : Invaild down cast. Object is not an instance of the target type. at MODEL:/Tools/ProcessFlow/ Resume

Both Stop and Resume are used Custom Code -> Stop/Resume Item on Conveyor

Please help solve the problem.

sorry that i can not upload my model.
if you need more information please let me know.

FlexSim 24.1.1
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

Most likely the item you are trying to stop/resume is not on a conveyor when the code is executed. Inside the code the object that the item is currently in is cast as a conveyor class object. This will fail and prompt the error message if the object does not belong to that class.

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Jimmy jang avatar image
Jimmy jang answered

Thank you the problem has been solved. It has been a great help!!

Thank you again for your prompt reply

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