
Borja Lorenzo avatar image
Borja Lorenzo asked Jeanette F commented

Export a Global Table from FlexSim to BaseDate MySQL


I am trying to export a Global Table “FlexSimtoCPLAB” from FlexSim to a MySQL Database. I have tested the connection with the database and I use HeidiSQL for managing this database. Previously, I imported data into this same database and it worked perfectly.


The DatabaseConnector tree appears as follows:


Where it can be seen that the exporters node does not have the subnodes that it should have. It can be seen that in the tableList node, two subnodes appear corresponding to the two tables I have in my database, but the names do not appear.

In the following image, I have observed in a model that I downloaded from this forum that the export node does expand and has subnodes and the tableList has name

When I want to make the export to DB, but it does not show this table created in the database, and therefore, I cannot map the columns.


What am I doing wrong? How is it done?

I had to configure the root user with the authentication plugin:


because the "caching_sha2_password" was giving me an error.
The version of MySQL I am using is 8.0.26.

FlexSim 24.1.1
export datamysqlbase dadosbase date
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Jeanette F avatar image
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Jeanette F answered Jeanette F commented

Hello @Borja Lorenzo,

The Development team has been notified of this.

The following is a workaround to be able to write the table name in the database connector. Since the UI will not allow you to select the table you can write the table name in the tree. The following is an example path to the node.

  1. MODEL:/Tools/DatabaseConnectors/DatabaseConnector1>variables/exporters/1/tableName


I did not have the UI open when writing the table name. This will prevent the UI from overwriting what you wrote in the tree node. You can open the UI after you have added the table name.

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Logan Gold avatar image
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Logan Gold answered

Hey @Borja Lorenzo, I do see the issue on the dev list, so we'll just have to wait until a developer can look into it more. We'll try to update this post if we get any more information, but I don't know when that might be.

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