
Alonso avatar image
Alonso asked Yumi Nishijima answered

AGV request for minimum stock according to the assembly line

Good morning, I have a question about my model that is attached. The AGV_B can load up to 2 yellow pallets containing 20 products and then load 2 green pallets containing 10 products. Right after that, unload the green pallet into the green Queue13 and the yellow pallet into the yellow Queue14. These pallets go through a processor and go to Queue 18, where boxes with yellow boxes on one side and green boxes on the other side must be placed on a rack. However, the racks have the following configuration. Racks1 has 20 yellow pieces per line (level) and only one column and 3 levels, thus being able to accommodate a maximum of 60 yellow products and on the other side there is a column to allocate green products, with a maximum of 10 green products per level, this way the maximum would be 30 green products with only 1 column for green products. There are also 2 production lines. The production line has an operator3, so as the pallet comes out, the operator must take the product from the rack in the color of the pallet and place it on the pallet. In this same model, the AGV_B vehicle should only load again when rack1 has 20 yellow or 10 green products. The AGV_B can take 3 yellow pallets if there is no demand for a green pallet. I would be grateful if anyone can help, I am learning how to work with FlexSim, I still have some doubts, a serious way to call the AGV, that is, supply using Just in time. Thank you if anyone can help.



FlexSim 24.2.2
agvprocesss flowjit
pic-7aa.jpg (84.2 KiB)
model-7aaa.fsm (102.3 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Yumi Nishijima avatar image
Yumi Nishijima answered

Hi @Alonso,

If i understand your questions right, you want to improve your AGV_B to load and unload from the queue18 just if you had the right products in your rack1. For it, you can use a decide and waif for event to check if the condition is ok and your AGV_B can load again.

I made some adjusts adding some labels to the box yellow and green just for you alocate the right bow in your racks. I've created 2 rack each one for each color if it's ok. Otherwise you can use conditions to alocate the boxes on the rack1, you can have a look on it Storage Object.
Instead of it, i recommend you to use labels for the items just to identifiy them differently and shared assets when you want to use more than 1 resource like the operator1 and operator6 to do the same thing you want.

  1. Working With Labels
  2. Shared Resource


model-7aaa-1.fsm (117.8 KiB)
5 |100000

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