
Dwight avatar image
Dwight asked Felix Möhlmann commented

AMR getting blocked and not resuming movement


AMRs are getting stuck when I am making a change to my 'Divert_Process' process flow. I don't believe the blocking is a result of the change I am making itself but something about the AMR movement patterns as a result. I can also get into this situation by changing some variables to make the scenario more demanding on the AMRs. My question is there something I can add to 'unstick' the AMRs getting blocked under the sorter or something I should do differently to prevent this from happening.

As a bonus, some change I made to the AMR setup introduced some exceptions coming through the system console. I don't understand what is causing the exception.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks,divert-process-change.png

FlexSim 25.0.2
astar navigatoramr
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The exception is caused by the end speed setting in the activity shown below.


0 end speed means that the task will end when the TE would start to decelerate to come to a stop (because other travel or offset travel tasks might follow and one probably wouldn't want the TE to first come to a stop). This is unintuitive, which is probably why the default setting was changed to "TaskExecuter.DefaultEndSpeed" recently.

At this destination there is a lot of traffic. Two things then can happen in the wrong order. First the task ends, then the TE becomes blocked because another TE is in the way. When the other TE continues and thus the blocked TE also resumes its travel, the information about the destination doesn't exist anymore, leading to the error message.

You can fix this by using "TaskExecuter.ZeroEndSpeed". This has the TE stop at the destination and the task only ends upon the actual arrival.

Afterwards I didn't notice any glaring issues in the model.

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Dwight avatar image
Dwight answered Felix Möhlmann commented

Hey Felix, thank you for the reply. I tried using 'TaskExecuter.DefaultEndSpeed' everywhere there is a TE movement but I'm still getting that error for some reason. My biggest issue is that in the attached model at about 10:25am a TE gets stuck under the sorter in a 'blocked' state and never recovers.

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