
Lilian Fonseca avatar image
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Lilian Fonseca asked Brenton King answered

How to change only the bottom and top textures of the flowitem after it passes through one processor?

If I have a flowitem made of one single texture and I want that this texture changes in the top and the bottom only after the flowitem passes through the processor, considering that its dimensions are already controlled by a global variable and they must remain the same, what should I do?

FlexSim 16.0.1
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1 Answer

Brenton King avatar image
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Brenton King answered

You can only have 1 texture per object that is changeable. This can't be done with the standard box flowitem because it is all 1 object. The answer to this question could be different depending on your skill level with 3D objects.

I will answer this question with the quickest answer that doesn't require any advanced knowledge or building of new 3D shapes.

I would open the animator interface for the box flowitem and add a box that covers the sides.

You then have 2 objects that will look and move as 1 object.

Setting the texture of the box will change the texture of the brown (top and bottom) surfaces.

To change the texture of the red surfaces you will have to do so in the animator.

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