
Cindy Azuero avatar image
Cindy Azuero asked Matt Long commented

​Is there a way to reevaluate backorders from a list with a process flow event such as exiting an activity?

FlexSim 16.1.0
process flowlist
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Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Matt Long commented

Since what you're actually trying to listen to is a label value changing on a FR object, you should listen to the label itself. This can be accomplished through the Puller Event or Value Event.

The Assign Labels has an option for Add Tracked Variable. Use this to set a Tracked Variable label on your FR object and be sure to have a reference to that object on your Puller/Value (however you set up your event). You can then listen to the OnChange of that label:

Be sure to use the label() command so you're returning the label node and not the value stored on the label.

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Matt Long answered Matt Long commented

The List has a Back Order Reevaluation Event that is Puller based and one that is Value based. These allow you to point to either the puller/value object or to access a label on one of these objects and listen to events on the referenced object.

In the attached example model backorderreevaluationpf.fsm, I've created two really simple situations where the time() is a field on the list call theTime. The Pull From List tries to pull a value where theTime > 3. In example one I have the list listens to the Puller's OnEntering event and release the Puller using a Max Wait Timer. In the second example, a child token was created prior to the Pull From List and the list listens to the child token's OnEntering event. Note that this will cause the Back Orders to be reevaluating EVERY time the puller or child token enters another activity.

Here's how I set up the Back Order Reevaluation Event:

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Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Cindy Azuero commented

Currently you cannot listen to Activity events from objects outside of the Process Flow. However, the Process Flow object has a message trigger that could be listened to. At the point in which you want to trigger an event, add a Custom Code with a Send Message pick option and send it to the Process Flow object (use processFlow in the To field).

Then set up a Back Order Reevaluation Event on your list. Use the Global Event option and listen to the Process Flow's OnMessage.

Hint: Use the sampler for the Event Focus field and sample the Process Flow object in the Toolbox.

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