
chao.g avatar image
chao.g asked chao.g commented

How to move contents to a plane that has AutoCAD drawing?

I used the plane as the placeholder for Autocad background, and it's 41' off the ground. when I am laying out the objects on that cad background, by default the object's z coordinates will be 0, I have to change them to 41'. But the objects will not be part of the plane. Then I can't turn them on/off together.

Is there a way to move some objects to a plane in this case? In a normal situation, if it's just a plane, you can drag objects into the plane and it will have the container functionality page. But in this case when I am having CAD as the background, it doesn't have the container tab. It doesn't seem to function like a container.



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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered chao.g commented

In the model tree view you can shift select the objects you want in the plane (so there is a red highlight around them). Then go to View > Edit Selected Objects, click on the plane (so that it's yellow) and over on the right click the button "Move into Highlighted." That should move all the items you want into the plane.

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