
Robin Brunner avatar image
Robin Brunner asked Robin Brunner commented

FlexSim Animation Problem with 3DS Max FBX Export

Hello Community,

I read @phil.bobo's Thread about manipulating and changing Character Animation and Rigging (like the Operator's one) like 100 times, but didn't get an easy, own block animation running. So I recorded my procedure and uploaded it to youtube.

Does anybody have a hint or a trick to fix this? Where is the clue? What is my mistake or is it even possible what I'm trying to do?

Regards Robin

FlexSim 17.0.0
animationexportfbx3ds max
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Robin Brunner commented

You need to have a skeleton and link your mesh to a bone, then animate the bone.

3ds Max's FBX exporter doesn't export the shape animation of un-rigged meshes. That type of animation is used internally by 3ds Max for rendering movies, not exported to be used in another package. To have your animations exported in a way that another software package can use them, you need to rig your meshes to bones and animate the bones.

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