Hi everyone!
I have built my model and want to start using it now to analyze its output. However, I am stuck once again. I have added a dashboard to my model in order to calculate my different cost components but noticed there are only limited options with respect to costs or financial details in general. I checked the tutorial but didn't get much wiser, which is why I am posting this question.
I want to calculate the following 5 cost types for every period (+ total) of my simulation:
(1 period = 1 month = 720 time units) (simulation time = 6 periods = 4320 time units) (every queue has its unique item type)
- SETUP COST (depending on which queues release material in a period) for every item type as well as total [fixed cost incurred when certain queue releases material in a period] A setup cost should be incurred when M_INV releases material and a different setup cost when at least one of the five R_INV_Qs releases material.
- HOLDING COST (unique for every queue and only taken into account at the end of every period) for every queue (except for the following 2 queues: 'graded_cores_inv' and 'ungraded_cores_inv') as well as total [variable cost for remaining items in queue at end period]
- PROCESSING COST (unique for every item type (1,2,3,4,5,6) that passes the processor) for every item type as well as total [variable cost depending on quantity processed in a period]
- GRADING COST (multiply values from 2 global tables: 1 with grading quantity per period and 1 with grading cost per period) [variable cost depending on quantity graded in a period]
- OVERTIME COST (multiply values from 2 global tables: 1 with overtime quantity per period and 1 with grading cost per period) [variable cost depending on overtime in a period]
For each of these 5 cost components I'd like a graph displaying the time evolution (cumulative) over all 6 time periods of my simulation. Furthermore I'd like a table/graph with all 5 components as well as the total cost (= sum of the totals of those 5 cost components) over time.
Fill rate/service level too should be put in a graph. A table with backorders is available so the computation is pretty straighforward: 1 - backorders/total demand. However, I did not find how to address this in FlexSim...
I was also wondering if it is possible to use the experimenter to set different parameter values for my cost factors and then create a graph which shows both TOTAL COST CURVE and FILL RATE/SERVICE LEVEL for every parameter value to compare them side by side.
The model I am working on is attached. 6m.fsm
Please ask if something is not well explained. I tried my best to be as clear as possible.Thanks in advance for all the help/support! I strongy appreciate it!!
PS: I was looking for ways to copy the graphs/tables to a Word document but read this can not be done by simply using ctrl c -> ctrl v. How can I most easily acces them outside Flexsim?