
Cody Barniak avatar image
Cody Barniak asked Sam Stubbs answered

Task Error and other issues. Needing help.


Hello everyone, hoping someone can help me out with an issue in my model.

Current Situation:

1) When I run the model, usually on friday the 13th or during the first week of feb, I keep receiving a task error regards my task executer that stops the model from continuing its run, can't seem to understand why I have looked through the options but can not fin the error.

2) Also I intend to use the transporters (forklifts Linde 1 and Linde 3) to take material from the storage areas (racks or floor storage) to the Docking Area so the taskexecuter (that represnts a flatbed truck with a capacity of 6 pallets) can transport from docking area to the corresponding production line (In model called PSA's).

3) Taskexecuter does not empty full batch before returning for next.

Could really use a helping hand with these issues. Appreciate any other suggestions regards my model.

Im uploading my model as is at the moment.



process flowwarehousetask executer
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered

This Post is older. The Question seems to have been broken up into separate questions. I'm closing this post.

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