
Abey1 avatar image
Abey1 asked Abey1 commented

Direct Patients to different destinations


I have this simple model attached where patients wait in a line and after that point, the destination of is decided based on percentages.

I get these errors:

Exception caught in TreeNode::executememberfunctionwithexceptionhandling() c++/dll execution. Throwing... MAIN:/project/exec/usercommandlist/HC/PatientOnMessageTrigger/node c: MAIN:/project/exec/usercommandlist/HC/PatientOnMessageTrigger/node thisClass: MAIN:/project/exec/usercommandlist/HC/PatientOnMessageTrigger/node

Exception caught in flexscript execution of MODEL:/WaitingLine1/Track1_ID6>variables/messagetrigger line 8 instruction 13. Discontinuing execution.

I tried to have a Decision Point after the AssignBed Activity, but it doesn't seem it is implemented as the patients keep going to one destination!

I appreciate it If you could please help.


FlexSim HC 5.1.0
decision points
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Abey1 commented

In activity 40 you're using the Based on Percentages pickoption in the Patient Destination field and you're putting Activity ID's instead of Locations. This is why you're getting errors.

You should instead, sample the objects you want the patient to go to. Then you could have the next activity be a Process activity that uses the Based on Patient's Location pickoption to set the process time.

Alternatively you could change activity 40 to be a Decision Point activity and then use its Next Activity field to conditionally start an activity. You would then need to make two different sets of activities representing the two different routes a patient can take.

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Abey1 avatar image Abey1 commented ·

Thank you Matthew. Now it is working as intended.
I appreciate your help.

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