I have this simple model attached where patients wait in a line and after that point, the destination of is decided based on percentages.
I get these errors:
Exception caught in TreeNode::executememberfunctionwithexceptionhandling() c++/dll execution. Throwing... MAIN:/project/exec/usercommandlist/HC/PatientOnMessageTrigger/node c: MAIN:/project/exec/usercommandlist/HC/PatientOnMessageTrigger/node thisClass: MAIN:/project/exec/usercommandlist/HC/PatientOnMessageTrigger/node
Exception caught in flexscript execution of MODEL:/WaitingLine1/Track1_ID6>variables/messagetrigger line 8 instruction 13. Discontinuing execution.
I tried to have a Decision Point after the AssignBed Activity, but it doesn't seem it is implemented as the patients keep going to one destination!
I appreciate it If you could please help.