
Joris Van Poucke avatar image
Joris Van Poucke asked Dj Moens edited

Multiple separated AGV networks

Is it possible to make multiple separated AGV networks: for instance a network for trucks (= roads) and a network for trains (= rails)? How?

The goals is to make sure the trains don't ride on the roads and vice versa.

Can you also give both networks a different color?

Thank you.

agv networkagv path
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1 Answer

Dj Moens avatar image
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Dj Moens answered Dj Moens edited


That should not be a problem as long as you make sure the network paths do not connect.

If you do have crossings make sure they only cross with straight paths. In that case vehicles cannot 'jump' from one part the network to the other.

I think the color however cannot be distinguished at the moment.

By the way: the AGV module is by far the better choice to model this kind of traffic.


Dirk-Jan Moens

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