
Kari Payton avatar image
Kari Payton asked Kari Payton commented

Change visual only in z direction.

Is there a way to have the crane to travel at a distance z above the model floor when between loading and unloading items or travelling to a processor. For example, when moving an item from one processor to a queue, the height of the crane doesn't change and the crane is going through processors when traveling to the item's destination for unloading.

Other (please specify)
crane movement
cranemoving.png (311.5 KiB)
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Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Kari Payton commented

Can you not just change the crane's Lift Height?

Am I missing something?

If you attached a sample model instead of a picture, then it would be easier to explain why the behavior is happening and how to fix it.

lift-height.png (26.3 KiB)
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

I have tested a small model. I have set the Parameter Lift Height to an unbelievable value and the crane hook moves to this height then back to load the item, lifts to the height, travels to the destination and lowers to the opbject. My model doesn't use a Navigator. If you use a Navigator you can try to delete the tasks, which are responsible to let the taskexecuter travels to objects. The crane logic works with the Offset Travel Tasks( load, unload, pickoffset, placeoffset). But If a navigator needs the standard travel task, they aren't there anymore.

In a standard transport tasksequence the travel tasks are the first and the fourth task of the tasksequence. You can delete these tasks with the command destroyobject, or you can change the task by the command changetask( ..). A task of the type TAG doesn't do really much. It just simply stores data.

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