
cameron seams avatar image
cameron seams asked Kevin Lavely answered

Pick up 2 boxes from queue using a TaskExecuter on AGV path

I am trying to pick up 2 boxes from a queue using a TE on an AGV path. There are 5 TE's that each need to pick up 2 boxes.

I have tried changing the queue to perform batching as well as altering the TE capacity to 2. This does not work.

Any help is much appreciated.

agvqueueload multiple item
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Michael Kramer avatar image
Michael Kramer answered jing.c commented

Cameron, here's a simple version using Process Flow.


agv-loadunload.fsm (32.7 KiB)
· 4
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Daniel Saravia commented

The character of an AGV system is that transport tasksequences are distributed to the TEs each time if one is available for a tasksequence to transport one item. Therefore if you know that there are two transport tasksequences you have to dispatch manually the second transport tasksequences to reserve it for the TE when the first transport tasksequence is transferred to the TE. Then you change the break tasks parameters of the first tasksequence that it breaks to the second tasksequence automatically. Please look for tasksequences in the manual especially for the tasktypes quick reference TASKTYPE_BREAK and the command movetasksequence. A good practice is it to close the input of the TE when the TE gets its first new transport tasksequences otherwise the TE might get a second transport tasksequence by the dispatcher.

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Kevin Lavely avatar image
Kevin Lavely answered

TE properties allows you to specify capacity, I have 3 systems multiple TE's in each system. One carries 2, another 6, and another 4. also you can specify load and unload time. Load unload times are per part ie: Capacity 2 Load time 30 Actual 2*30=60

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