I'm trying to obtain a dashboard table that shows the calculated average throughput per working day (off Sundays) for each activity in the process flow that is updated as the model runs and later when I run the experiments be able to get the data for each run. I created a statistics collector (statisticcollector.png) with a timer that collects the current output for each activity every working day. Then I created a calculated table (calculatedtablenetthroughput.png) to calculate the net throughput for each day. Lastly I created another calculated table (calculatedtableaveragethroughput.png) to calculate the average throughput for each activity but every time there's an update instead of replacing the same rows, it creates a whole new set of rows. How can I prevent the table from doing this? Is there a better way of achieving this? and after the table works, can I see these values as performance measures in experimenter or at least save the data of each run for this table and export it to Excel?