
gilbert jerald avatar image
gilbert jerald asked Joerg Vogel answered

How to get the content stats from list based on the labels?



I have two question on using List in process flow the question is as follows.

1).In my process flow model, I have a List that contains labels called processed items. The label consists of two value one is "0" other one is "1". Here I am looking for a code that returns, you have 4 "0" values and 7 "1" values. Basically, am looking for the content of these two values from the list.(Note the example for this question is attached in the below fig)

2). Is there any way to write a query function to compare the two different list to find out the label value that is present in LIst1 is also present In List2 (Note the example for this question is attached in the below fig)

I have attached the sample model for your reference.


Thanks in advance for your answers.

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

@gilbert jerald, please look for the keywords list and count.

Here is an answer.

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