
Paúl Alejandro R avatar image
Paúl Alejandro R asked Jeff Nordgren answered

I have an unknown error message


I was running my model and the next error message appeared:

time: 22301.323677 exception: Exception Caught in releaseitem(treenode item, int port) time: 22301.323677 exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction198__project_exec_commandlist_releaseitem_node object: MAIN:/project/exec/commandlist/releaseitem/node i: MAIN:/project/exec/commandlist/releaseitem/node class: MAIN:/project/exec/commandlist/releaseitem/node time: 22301.323677 exception: Exception caught in TreeNode::callMemberFunction() c++/dll execution. Throwing... MAIN:/project/exec/commandlist/releaseitem/node c: MAIN:/project/exec/commandlist/releaseitem/node i: MAIN:/project/exec/commandlist/releaseitem/node thisClass: MAIN:/project/exec/commandlist/releaseitem/node time: 22301.323677 exception: Exception caught in evaluation of MAIN:/project/exec/commandlist/releaseitem/node

I don't understand what it means. Please help me.

FlexSim 17.1.2
error message
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·
@Paúl Alejandro R

Without the model that is producing that error, doesn't mean that much to us either. We have to see the model in order for us to see what is causing that error. If you can send in your model or a sample model that produces the same results, that would be great.d


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Paúl Alejandro R avatar image Paúl Alejandro R commented ·

Thanks for the interest but the model is confidential, I can not send it.

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Mischa Spelt avatar image Mischa Spelt Paúl Alejandro R commented ·

You can post a new question and mark it as Private. Only FlexSim employees will be able to view the post and any attachments then.

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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ Paúl Alejandro R commented ·

You can also contact your local distributor via phone or email for direct support.

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1 Answer

Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered
@Paúl Alejandro R

Did you resolve your problem? Or did you do as @Ben Wilson suggested and contact your local distributor? If you are still having problems with your model, can you do as @Mischa Spelt suggests and create a new question and mark it PRIVATE. This way only FlexSim employees will be able to view it which will keep it confidential. Or just comment and let us know that this issue is resolved.


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