
Omar Aguilera Rico avatar image
Omar Aguilera Rico asked Ben Wilson commented

Open FlexSim gets slow and does not respond

Hello boys.

After installing FlexSim on a laptop and when opening FlexSim it gets very slow, and when you open the Pie Fctory file as FlexSim test, it does not respond. Why is this problem? I already tried installing several versions of FlexSim and the same thing is still happening. My computer has an i5, Intel 3000 graphics card, HDD hard disk with 256 GB capacity, 20 GB are available.

FlexSim 18.0.6
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1 Answer

Isaac Litster avatar image
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Isaac Litster answered Ben Wilson commented

I think it might be a graphics issue. Try this link and see if one of these solutions work for you.

Common graphics issues

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