
Alex H4 avatar image
Alex H4 asked tannerp commented

Process Flow error and token issue

I created a process flow to stop the items on the stand by closing the port when a flow item enters and then checks the content of the queue, robot, agv, and OP20_Load before opening the port if they are all clear. The process should then send the flow items to the respective queue using the robot -> OP20_Load -> AGV.

The items are not stopped correctly right now and is also throwing an index error. The token in the stand2 process flow never moves past the close output port custom code. Please take a look at process flow2, any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

FlexSim 18.2.0
process flowerror messagequeue strategy
fsq2.fsm (227.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered

The code you are using to open and close the ports is great, but these functions are already built in to FlexSim. I'd still use decide activities to determine when to send tokens to an open or close activity. But, I'd recommend using FlexSim's built-in logic to control the ports to save time and confusion. Below is an image which will visually explain what I'm trying to say. Hopefully this helps save you time and simplify.

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