
Linda N avatar image
Linda N asked Linda N commented

Tutorial Using a List and a Resource

Hi all, I have just finished the tutorial part where I should use a list and a resource (Process Flow Tutorials 1.1). The model works, but I have trouble understanding what is happening.

At around 36 seconds, the system generates a box (a flow item?). Why doesn't it do so at 0 sec, since the simulation is set to start at 0? I feel that I don't understand what this global list contains and how it works exactly, despite having read several passages about it in the user manual. Moreover, the list notifies me that there is one backorder all the time, so how can the system work in the first place? Can someone explain this to me?

Furthermore I have two other, little unrelated, questions. The first one is, are there tutorials for coding in FlexSim and are there similar tutorials for this as well? I am used to PlantSimulation and I notice that building process flows in FlexSim does not come naturally to me (yet). Could I replace process flows completely by programmed logic? Or is this not advisable (project duration is 6 months)?

The second question is, is it alright if I create a general topic for my tutorial related questions (posting new questions as "answers")? Being the only one in the company trying to work with FlexSim, I am kind of depending on this forum for my questions, and I'll probably have a lot more in the future.

Thank you in advance!

FlexSim 18.1.1
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered Linda N commented

Hi @Linda N,

You're correct about the 36 second delay in that items flow into the simulation as they are triggered by sources. You can have them arrive according to statistical distributions, by a schedule, etc.

Answer to first question:

To answer your question about coding tutorials, FlexSim is designed and constantly improved to minimize the amount of hard coding necessary to create and use a model. That said, there are lots of resources you can use to learn Flexscript coding to help enhance your models. One of those resources being the user manual found on this forum, another helpful example is shown below and is essentially an encyclopedia of code commands you might use:

Process Flow is designed to follow a logical coding process. It takes a lot of the behind-the-scenes details out and leaves a simple GUI for you, the FlexSim user, to interact with. There is a learning curve with it, but it opens up many functions and capabilities in the software and is worth practicing.

Answer to second question:

Please review this post about best practices on this forum. The short answer is that we'd prefer you to post each question separately so that the answers provided could be of potential use to other FlexSimmers.

Hopefully I covered most of your questions. If you need further help, don't hesitate to reach out by commenting back.

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