
martin.j avatar image
martin.j asked Jordan Johnson answered

Calculated Table joins not updating

I have a model with multiple calculated tables that draw data from one another in a hierarchy, but when I switch them all to update automatic something goes wrong. The tables at the top of the hierarchy are updated by being on a dashboard, but the lower tables dont seem to be updated first. As the top tables attempt to query data from the lower ones that are not updated and therefore empty, I get a bunch of meaningless errors.

The only thing that makes sense is this:

Reference to Blending Time Total could not be resolved to a valid column. Parsing halted.

After this error none of the tables will work until the model has been reset. If I update the tables manually in the correct order it seem to work but that is no good for charts.

I have also attempted to run experiments, and draw data from the Calculated Tables using the 'Experiment.CalculatedTable' reference, but there does not appear to be any data in the tables. Are calculated tables that are set to update always not updated during an experimenter run?

FlexSim 18.2.2
experimentercalculated table update
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered

As far as the experiment data, Calculated tables don't save their data like Statistics Collectors do (although that has been changed for version 2019) during an experiment.

As far as the update sequence, that should be working correctly. I was able to chain several Calculated Tables together, and the top level one seems to update correctly, even if the intermediate tables are not visible anywhere. However, I don't have any joins. If you could post the model (you can make it private if you need to), we could see what is happening more clearly.

As a workaround, consider using nested queries. If the intermediate Calculated Tables don't need to be separate, then you can write all the queries as a single nested query:

  1. SELECT ColA, ColB FROM (SELECT Col1 AS ColA, Col2 AS ColB FROM SomeTable)
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