
Kamil KS avatar image
Kamil KS asked Kamil KS commented

Transport to different locations depending on amount.


I created some transportation logic but i am struggling with some conditions of it.

Pallets form Bufor need to go to Queue1 or Queue2 or Queue3 in equal of total amount. So after all Queue1 has 33,33% of pallets from Bufor, Queue2 33,33% of pallets and Queue3 also. It needs to go Randomly, not in the sequence like first 33% to Queue1 and so on.

How to crate a token ,,Destination" that tells Transporter which Queue it needs to choose by the total amount ?


transportation model
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Kari Payton avatar image
Kari Payton answered Kamil KS commented

@Kamil KS you can use a decide in the process flow to direct the logic. The decide is set to a percentage, sot he drop-off locations are randomly assigned.

Create a label for the queue called "Destination" that references the options for dropping off the pallets.

Also make15802-transportationcondition.fsm sure all of your token labels have are the same in spelling and caps. for example you talled token.destination and token.Destination (the capital D matters).

· 3
5 |100000

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