
Laurenz Peleman avatar image
Laurenz Peleman asked Laurenz Peleman commented

FlexScript exception: Invalid Variant types

Hi everyone

After updating a model from Flexsim 17.1.6 to 18.2.2 I got the following error:

exception: FlexScript exception: Invalid Variant types in + operation at MODEL:/Tools/ProcessFlow/MaterialTransport/Update feeds>variables/codeNode

, which is thrown for the following lines of code:

double valueToAdd = token.valueToAdd ;
token.labels.assert("feedToUpdate").value += valueToAdd;

Anyone who has experience with this error, as I have never received it before...

Kind regards

FlexSim 18.2.3
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Laurenz Peleman commented

You didn't specify an initial value for the label in the assert() command, so it isn't giving the label data.

You are trying to add (no data) with a (double), which throws an exception.

From the Release Notes of 18.2.0:

  • Changed Variant math operations on non-numbers to throw exceptions.

Pass 0 as the second parameter in your assert() call:

double valueToAdd = token.valueToAdd ;
token.labels.assert("feedToUpdate", 0).value += valueToAdd;
· 1
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Laurenz Peleman avatar image Laurenz Peleman commented ·

Thanks for the clear answer, @phil.bobo, I was not aware of that change

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