
Trex avatar image
Trex asked Joseph Gillespie commented

How to get state stats of Task executer in a interval of time for defined period

Here I have a task executer in my model. Model run time is for a week.

I want to take state(idle, blocked, utilize..) data on hourly basis for a task executer.

Can you suggest me, how can I perform it.

As I tried with dashboards, but I cant customize them on hourly basis for a run of a week.

Creating dashboard for each hour will be a strain process

FlexSim 19.0.2
task executertimestates
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Steven Hamoen commented

@Trex I would take a userevent, let it fire every hour and first call would be "updatestates()" and then get the time in each state and write the difference with the previous amount in a table.

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