
Jiawei D avatar image
Jiawei D asked Joseph Gillespie commented

Extreme slow when using Video Recorder

I am trying to record the simulation using the Video Recorder. I followed this previous thread,

The simulation was programmed with time unit of minute and a time period of one full month. But it has been a few hours and the recording hasn't finish yet.

Could anyone help with the recording issue? Thanks!

FlexSim 17.2.5
video recorder
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1 Answer

Braydn T avatar image
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Braydn T answered

Hey @Jiawei D

I am looking through questions without answers and found yours. Here are a couple ideas I had:

1. Video Recorder Settings:

The video recorder can record video faster than real time (assuming your computer is up to it) but lets assume worst case scenario performance, and you recorded 1 second of real time for every minute of simulation time. 60 minutes in an hour, times 24 hours in a day times 31 days in a month would get you 44640 "real" seconds to record a months worth of minutes. That is 12.4 hours of recording time. Worst case scenario performance would most likely only happen with a less powerful computer, or an expensive model. If you have not resolved this problem when you receive this, please upload a picture of your video recorder settings so we can look closer at that.

2. Expensive Model:

If your model has a large number of flow items, custom animations or custom objects it could require a large amount of memory to run. That, plus recording it could lead to less than optimal model run times, and slow recording times. If you have not resolved this problem when you receive this, please upload your model so we can take a closer look.

3. Storage issues:

The video recorder in FlexSim does not compress video until it completes. If you recorded in 4K at 60fps, each frame would be 4096 by 2160 pixels or a total of 8847360 pixels per frame, or 530841600 pixels per second. Multiplying that by 3600 gets us to 1911029760000 pixels per hour. Assuming that the video is in 24-bit color depth, we get 3 bytes per pixel, or 5733089280000 bytes per hour. This is equivalent to about 5.2 terabytes per hour. This is assuming extreme settings, but its likely that even with less aggressive settings you could be running out of RAM to record.

Hopefully this can give you some ideas about slow recording time, and if not please reply and tag @Braydn T so I can help you quicker.

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