
Nelson C avatar image
Nelson C asked Nelson C commented

How to unload items on different conveyors with no connection?


In the attached model I need to unload the Buffer items on the four conveyors. The source is producing two different types of items, type 1 and type 2. The question is: how to send the operator to unload type 1 on conveyor1 and conveyor2, and unload type 2 on conveyor3 and conveyor4 without using any connection betwenn these processes?

Ps: I need to simulate using no connection because this is just a simplified model, the real model has a lot of conveyors, making it almost impossible to connect all the conveyors with the Buffer.


FlexSim 19.1.1
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1 Answer

Joseph Gillespie avatar image
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Joseph Gillespie answered Nelson C commented

@Nelson C

You should be fine having connections between "Buffer" and all of the conveyors. If you are worried about having too many lines in your model, you can always hide them in View Settings under Quick Properties:

By unchecking "Show Connections", all the lines will disappear. If you only want to hide some lines, you can uncheck "Show Ports" on any Fixed Resource:

That will hide any lines going into or out of the Fixed Resource.

If you still want to unload items on the conveyors without having any connections, you can do so through Process Flow and by setting up EntryTransfer points on the conveyors. You can do this by creating an "A"-connection between "Buffer" and the conveyor, right-clicking on the EntryTransfer point:

Then selecting "Remove Connections":

Here's an updated version of your model that does what you are looking for without having connections between "Buffer" and the conveyors: conveyorsconnectionanswer.fsm

Note that it is set to send 50% of Type1 items to conveyor1 and 50% to conveyor2. Type2 works the same with conveyor3 and conveyor4.

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