
Gary B avatar image
Gary B asked Matthew Gillespie edited

Alternately unloading two pallets onto two conveyors 6 boxes at a time

I have two pallets being unloaded onto two conveyors by one operator. The pallets are on a separator located at the end of their respective conveyors. I want one operator to unload 6 boxes from one pallet and then move to the other pallet and do the same and then alternate back and forth until empty. The operator will then move the pallet to a queue and a fork truck will deliver a new pallet and the sequence will continue.

FlexSim 18.2.2
· 2
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
1 Like"
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

You build the model as you have described it.

The Separators use a Dispatcher to manage the transport tasks. The Entrytransfer of the conveyor must get a different parameter value for the option "Max Transports in Transit". The value is set to 6.

if you don't put the content on the pallet by a Combiner object, you can add it in the OnCreation Trigger of the source this code:


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