
Lucas Antonio Risso avatar image
Lucas Antonio Risso asked Lucas Antonio Risso commented

​How to define a traveler's path based on a label?

Hello everyone,

I'd appreciate to have some orientation about how to develop a model to represent the following situation:

As soon as a person reaches node 4, it has to be triggered a logic to decide whether to enter in the loop or to keep going based on a number label, which will be further controled by messages. It sounds kind of like a standard "port by case", but in this case related to the node output ports.

The point is that the person inside the red circle has to allow the one inside the blue circle to pass due to an emergency occurrence, and then he/she can return the regular path once the special need was already prioritized.

The person particularly has to be kept moving the whole time.

I attached the model and I will be thankful for any instruction. teste-1.fsm

Best regards from Brazil.

FlexSim 19.1.1
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

You find triggers at the network node. You can dispatch a preempting tasksequence that tells the traveler go to a sequence of network nodes and then you can decide to let the FlexSim engine to continue the interrupted tasksequence or you force to continue the tasksequence by using a break tasktype to insert a link to the interrupted tasksequence at the end.

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Lucas Antonio Risso avatar image Lucas Antonio Risso Joerg Vogel commented ·

Hi @Jörg Vogel

First of all, thank you for your attention.

I was not considering the possibility you have mentioned at first. Could you please attach an small illustrative example?

I am attaching a new version of the model, I have changed a connection and inserted a label named path. 20378-teste-1.fsm

Taking the flowitem, my intention is "if label path is 1" continue in the straight direction, "if label path is 2", get inside the loop. (The red shape is just for visual purposes, to highlight the specific node.)

I am considering that the node triggers "on arrival" and "on continue" work similar to "on entry/on exit" work on a fixed resource. Is this approach correct?

I will set messages to tell the person on the loop when it is possible to come back to the regular path, possbly guarding a value on a focus node label.

The closest I got was this command on FlexSim HC.

Once again, thank you for helping.

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20378-teste-1.fsm (23.5 KiB)

1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Lucas Antonio Risso commented

The attach model divert an item as taskexecuter a node before the detour node. I dispatch a preempting tasksequence, which leads the taskexecuter into the loop. In the loop I repeat the method again to keep the taskexecuter into the loop until the conditional label value changes.


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Lucas Antonio Risso avatar image Lucas Antonio Risso commented ·

Thank you once again @Jörg Vogel. Your idea was pretty good and gave me some insights.

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