
Adam C avatar image
Adam C asked Adam C answered

Statistics collector column set that retrieves bundle label data?

I would like to create a Column Set that retrieves the values from a bundle label. Trying to do so in a single column returns an error "Invalid cast from Variant to Table" when trying to access the label cast as a table. I have accessed bundle labels in similar fashion outside of statistics collectors. Is there something unique about StatisticsCollector.collectedData to cause this?


statistics collectorbundle labelcolumn set
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Adam C avatar image
Adam C answered

Instead of storing data on a bundle label on the flowitem and retrieving with a statistics collector, I instead used a milestone collector.

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Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered

It is not the Statistics Collector. It is the Table() API. A label value is a Variant value, and you must first cast the Variant as a treenode or text, and then pass that into the table constructor:

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