
Francesca P avatar image
Francesca P asked Jeff Nordgren edited

serial production


i'm trying to simulate a serial productive process: i have several consequential stations, one after the other, and i'd like to model the process so that there are no queues entering the stations and so that all entities in the stations can move forward only when all the processors have finished working on them. briefly, all entities in the stations must move simultaneously.

if needed, i have a sketch of the structure of the model.

thank you in advance for your help,


production linemany processors working as one
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·

@Francesca P,

Could you attach your model or a sample model of the problem area(s)? That would help us to give you a more specific answer to you specific needs.


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Francesca P2 avatar image Francesca P2 Jeff Nordgren commented ·

@Jeff Nordgren


here is the general model.

i'd like all the entities to stop and wait for every station to be finished, and then move togheter.

thank you


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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren Francesca P2 commented ·

@Francesca P2,

I'm still unclear on how your model is supposed to work. Does each processor process each flowitem as it passes through? Or does only the "destination" processor process a single flowitem. Do all the processors release all of the flowitems as a "batch" or does each processor process each flowitem as it passes through?

I'm just a little fuzzy on what the model is supposed to do and under what condition(s) it does it.


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1 Answer

Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered

@Francesca P,

Attached is your model with the changes that I've made. Take a look at it and see if it does what you are wanting the model to do.

It does an initial "load" of all the processors. Each individual processors processes the flowitems as they come to it. Once the initial "load" of flowitems, each processor needs to finish processing before each processor releases it's flowitem.

I hope that I understood what you required. If there are still problems with the model, please let us know what needs to change so that we can get the model working as you desire/need.



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