I try to change one of my big Transportmodel with NetworkNodes and TrafficControls to a model which will use ProcessFlow-AGVmodule. I have some problems with pulling and sending items in the right way.
Model description:
In my small and simple demomodel I have two productionlines and one wastgenerationplace.
Material was generated on separated stations (each productionline has her own materialgenerator) and will be transported to four handovers. One handover is a conveyor with the capacity of 4 items, all other handovers have a capacity of 1. On the "send to port" of the handovers the items will be send to the list "ReadyToTransport_List". The queues in front of the productionlines are pulling the right items from the list "ReadyToTransport_List".
If the wastgenerationstation produced a full container, the full container have to transport to the Wast-Station, after delivering the same AGV have to take a emty box and bring it back to the wastgenerationstation. In front of the Wast-Station there is a controlarea, only one AGV can be there and all other AGVs has to wait if the place is occupied.
The queue behind the wastgenerationstation is special. I don´t use the "use Transport" flag on the Flowtab. Instead I write logic on the entrytrigger with the destination and I put the item on the predefined List "AGVWork".
For the double-cross of the wasthandling I have changed the AGVProcessFlow a little bit, look at WasteHandling in the ProcessFlow.
I try to use the same logic for the controlpoints like in the AGV-Tutorial.
Problems and Questions:
1. I don´t know why the waste (brown items) every time takes an extra circle with the AGV? I a other small demomodel with the same logic there is no problem. I think there is a problem with the NextLookForWork Controlpoints!? But I can´t find.
2. The Handovers: In my real model I need these queues to write some logic like waiting time for an item etc. But now in the demomodel it looks like the queues have a capacity of 2 instead of 1 or rather the conveyor have a capacity of 5 instead of 4! How can I handle this behavior?
Please help me to understand my problems in using the AGV-Module. Thanks a lot!
Enclosed you will find my model.