
Trex avatar image
Trex asked Trex commented

Conveyor didnt fetch change in speed through code in single run


Hello Folks,

Overview of model:

I want to change the speed of conveyor for different bottles (flowitem) entering into the conveyor. I have written a code to set the default speed on-model run & to check the change in bottle type in processor on a message trigger.
Speed of conveyors are fetched through global table.

Problem Statement:

Here when a new bottle type enters in a processor, it gets a message trigger & changes the speed of the conveyor. Value change is visible in the conveyor speed bar inside the model but the conveyor doesn't run as per the assigned speed change. This we can identify by toggling to slower speed on a different bottle type. Conveyors continue to run with the default speed which was set during the reset command.

On reset conveyor1 & conveyor2 have a speed of 5 & 10 respectively. Conveyor2 moves in a faster rate where as conveyor 1 at slower rate, which shows no accumulation of bottles on conveyor1.
When there is a change in bottle type, conveyor1 & conveyor2 have a speed of 10 & 5 respectively. Still conveyor run with the earlier set speed, though in this case, conveyor2 should have bottle movement similar to conveyor1.

Kindly suggest how to do the needful. Attached model is for your reference.

FlexSim 19.0.2
conveyorconveyor systemdifferent item typesspeed changethrough code
model-sample.fsm (33.9 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Allister Wilson avatar image
Allister Wilson answered Trex commented

You can use the conveyor's targetSpeed property to change its speed at runtime : manual

· 1
5 |100000

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