
Pierre G avatar image
Pierre G asked zacharyh commented

Problem with the "has space" function for a rack with pallets with 8 boxes


I'm trying to put pallets (combined with 8 boxes) in a rack. I'm using the "first Slot with Space" slot assignment strategy.

It's working with the default size of the pallet (125x125). I only have one pallet per slot :

But it's not working if I change the size of the pallet (160x160) (and the size of the slots of the rack). I have too many pallets in a slot :

Am I doing something wrong ? I don't understand what is the difference between those 2 situations.

FlexSim 19.2.4
125x125.png (190.6 KiB)
160x160.png (150.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

zacharyh avatar image
1 Like"
zacharyh answered zacharyh commented

If you change the size of the Rack's bay width to the same width of the pallet (1.25) then you will get one Pallet per slot.

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