
Christopher W avatar image
Christopher W asked tannerp answered

Different processes in one simulation?


I'm writing to ask about best practices. Is it smart to have different processes in one simulation as I'm trying to set up in the picture? Where I could easily zoom in an out of the different departments?

Everything does not flow in a linear line from beginning to end. Each section there would be essentially acting on its own.

I'm worried about things such as operators set up for one section will try to walk over to another "department" or the network nodes not being able to be in one area without being connected to another. So far I've only been able to make network nodes work if they are all connected to one another.


FlexSim 19.2.3
best practices
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered

Hi @Christopher W,

By using Groups and Zones and some of the other available tools, it is possible to model these processes all in one simulation. There's not a written law, per se, that would say otherwise. There are many FlexSim users that are able to model entire factories with lots of operations going on simultaneously.

That said, there are some benefits to separating it out by department into several models, including faster model run time, avoidance of repeating variables or object/label names, and less confusion in debugging. Is there any reason why you couldn't separate them into different models? Are they interconnected or interdependent at all?

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