
SudheerReddy avatar image
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SudheerReddy asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Query on Tutorial 1.4 Tasks Using Global Lists

In Tasks Using Global Lists as shown in below image we are creating Create TS:Transport Tasks but there is no Finish TS.

After Operator 4A and 4B has transported one flow item each the model is not running. I am attaching the model for your reference. This is because In Operator 4A and Operator 4B , On Resource Available Trigger is not getting triggered.

Please correct me if I am wrong We should add Finish TS for the below logic to work.

I am attaching the model for your reference .


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Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Jason Lightfoot commented

@Sudheer R In version 20, I think this tutorial has an error that needs to be updated. I apologize for the inconvenience, and will work on getting this tutorial updated. I apologize for any inconvenience.

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Jason H avatar image Jason H commented ·

Hi Sam,

Could you please help with the step to be followed to make the problem go away, as highlighted by Sudheer?


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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Jason H commented ·

@Jason H , you can refer to the online manual which has the correction.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

Hi @Sudheer R, a TS finish task activity doesn’t fit in this logic. DO NOT USE IT!

The classic 3D tasksequence creates a node. This node holds a sequence of tasks. And you dispatch this tasksequence by transferring the node to a dispatcher to let him execute the tasksequence. In fact it is a bit more complicated, because a taskexecuter is always a dispatcher, too.
“task using global list” transfers the node holding the tasksequence to a global list. A taskexecuter looks for an available tasksequence on the global list. If he pulls the node from the list, the dispatcher in the taskexecuter dispatches the taskesequence to execute the tasks by himself.
The TS finish task is renamed in FlexSim 20 and got a different icon. But this is the classic action of dispatching a tasksequence. Because the taskexecuter looks by himself for his jobs, the tasksequence must not dispatched in the process.
The reason is for this approach to replace the 3D dispatcher object by a global list. A dispatcher object can store transferred nodes with tasksequences, but it is much more difficult to identify a special tasksequence and dispatch it to a taskexecuter than if you do it with global lists.
Please think about a planed “to do list”. All jobs are known on the beginning of a shift. But you don’t know who is available when the next job has to be done. If you dispatch the jobs at the beginning of a shift to a distinct numbers of operators, you will probably get a not optimized distribution of jobs over the shift. But if the operators do only one job of the list, and then look for the next job, if they become available, the distribution is a more optimized one.

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SudheerReddy avatar image SudheerReddy commented ·

@Jörg Vogel

Thanks for your answer.

I followed the steps in the tutorial. But somewhere my model is not running please have a look.

After Operator 4A and 4B has transported one flow item each the model is not running

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel SudheerReddy commented ·

I didn’t look into the model so far, but my advice, please check if all task activities are unset to “wait until complete”. This option gets set if you don’t create tasksequences. If you create tasksequences, don’t set this option as marked.

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