
Nicholas D avatar image
Nicholas D asked tannerp edited

Assigning multiple task executors to Delay module in ProcessFlow


I am using process flow and would like to assign multiple operators to complete a task. Currently, I have the task executors assigned as a label to the token (as an array - see picture attached). However, this only makes one of the operators in the array complete the task and the other operator remains idle. Is there a way to assign multiple TEs to a single Delay module?

FlexSim 20.0.2
process flowtask executerdelaymultiple operators
capture.png (87.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered tannerp edited

Hi @Nicholas D,

Most activities will only utilize the first item in an array, so you need to create a Run Sub-Flow Activity in Process Flow that will run a sub-flow that serves as the "Delay module" you mentioned. Then create a number of tokens based on the length of the array and use an Assign Labels activity to assign an operator to each token created based on the operator's position in the array. You can do this based on the token's creation rank in the sub-flow. If you upload your model, I'd be happy to show you how this could work.

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