
Daniel D4 avatar image
Daniel D4 asked Matthew Gillespie answered

Date Time Source acting as a variable on Experimenter? Process Flow

My model is about bicycle stations and how some of the bicycles stations run out of bycicles so losing potential clients. I want to run experimenter as it follows:

I want to execute 2 scenarios.

Variables on the scenarios(where i have the problem): are the 6 sources of clients (Date Time Source's). I just have one Date Time Table for each source. What i want is that in each of both scenarios, each source use a different Date Time Table for generating the clients which have to pick up the bicycles.

I do not know how to accomplish this, maybe using Global Tables for Data Time Source?

So, I want to use two different tables Data Time for each source (e.g: situations on weekend and another one for working days) and use them as variables for the experimenter. One scenario would be on weekends and the other scenario would be on working days(e.g).

The Perfomance Measures i want to observe are the number of inputs on sink's: Unhappy Clients N1 and Unhappy Client N2. Also the content on lists: "List Bicis Nord 1" and "List Bicis Nord 2", where the bicycles are. (on Dashboard).

I am lost. Any help is much appreciated!

Here i attach my model (Process Flow).


Thank you in advance.

FlexSim 20.1.2
experimenterflexsim 20.1.2variablesscenariosdate time source
· 1
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

We don't currently have an automatic way of doing this. My suggestion is to use the solution discussed previously here. Basically, make 2 different source activities and put a decide activity after each one. The decide only lets tokens move on if it's the correct scenario, otherwise it sends them to a sink.

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