
Murilo B avatar image
Murilo B asked Murilo B commented

AGV is not arriving at the control point


I'm trying to recreate some models from version 2019 to version 2020.

Two models are attached, the original 2019 version and the new one that I am recreating from the 2020 version.

CP-2019.fsm CP-2020.fsm

The problem is that the AGV is unable to reach the Control Point that redirects to different destinations, causing the system to stop.

Could you let me know if there were any updates related to the behavior of the control points? Also let me know if there is something wrong with the model, please.

Thank you!

FlexSim 20.1.2
agvflexsim 20.1.2agv networkagv process flowcontrol points
cp.png (353.5 KiB)
cp-2019.fsm (113.4 KiB)
cp-2020.fsm (118.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image
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Patrick Zweekhorst answered Murilo B commented

Hi @Murilo B,

One thing that is happening is that you lay-out changed slightly. In the 2020 model version the control point close to queue 2 is closer to queue 1 than the cp you made a red circle around (distance ControlPoint2 -> ControlPoint5 is 29 meter, ControlPoint2 -> ControlPoint3 is 32 meter (in 2020). distance ControlPoint3 -> ControlPoint5 is 29 meter, ControlPoint3 -> ControlPoint7 is 39 meter (in 2019)). This is why the AGV goes to a different control point between your model versions, it takes the shortest path to one of the connections you made to queue2.

Actually for me the AGV in 2020 does not stop at the point you show in the picture, for me the model stops in the following situation at time 79:

Is that also the case for you? If you need the AGV to go to the right red circled control point, why do you need the second (blue line) connection at queue2? Removing that connection will make sure the AGV goes to the red circled control point.

1591340014192.png (95.6 KiB)
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Murilo B avatar image Murilo B commented ·

Hi @Patrick Zweekhorst, thanks for your reply.

Yes, that's also the case for me. Now I changed the layout to make a different distance between the control points and it worked. Thank you!

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