
Alejandro C8 avatar image
Alejandro C8 asked Alejandro C8 commented

formulas in the variable of the scenarios?

Hello, for the simulation in the EXPERIMENTER I want to introduce as a variable value for each scenario, the distribution function with different deviation values, can this be done? If yes, how is it done?

variable1 = lognormalmeanstdev (1.0,3.0, getstream (current)) [scenario1]

FlexSim 19.0.9
flexsim 19.0.9experimenter variable
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Alejandro C8 commented

It is really simple, if you try to make it not to complicated. Do NOT change the variable by exchanging the function, just exchange the parameter values of the function by labels.

Experimenter variable really bad:

  1. normal(5,1,getstream(current))

good approach add the distribution in a object function like process time

  1. normal(current.mean,,getstream(current))

in experimenter choose the labels [mean and dev] of Processor object by sampler tool.

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