
Allen Greenwood avatar image
Allen Greenwood asked Allen Greenwood commented

List of task types

In the code window for some triggers on task executers several values are passed in, one being taskType. It is a numerical value, but I need to translate it to a textual description. Where can I find this translation; I do not see it in the Users manual. Thank you.

FlexSim 20.1.3
flexsim 20.1.3triggerstasksequencetask executers
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Allen Greenwood commented

Manual Reference > Task Sequences > Task Types - Quick Reference

The task types are predefined macros.

Path to the flexScript macros: MAIN:/project/exec/globals/fsmacros

If you want to get the value from the makro text, then you open a skript console and write the makro into the console. You press the green execute arrow and you get the value printed.

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Allen Greenwood avatar image Allen Greenwood ♦ commented ·

Thanks. I understand they are macros and I did find this list. However, if the numeric values passed to the trigger correspond to these task types then the first and subsequent transport requests are as follows:

8 StopRequestBegin

1 Travel

11 Message

8 StopRequest Begin

3 Unload

Seems like it should be 1-2-1-3 Travel, Load, Travel, Unload.

Other tasks don't make sense either.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Allen Greenwood ♦ commented ·

The standard transport task sequence is

travel - frload - break - travel- frunload. A break task is responsible to execute the break funktion, if the taskexecuter is able to load more items.

A message is a nice feature to communicate with the objects where you load item from or to unload to, because it isn't already set, which taskexecuter will exactly do the task sequence, when you write it.

StopRequestbegin and finish are linked to utilize task sequences, where you let a processor go into a state of waiting until an operator is arriving. That is a more advanced stuff.

Moveobject is a shortcut to prevent offset travels in a load or unload task.

Pickoffset/ placeoffset let a taskexecuter travel only some parts of a complete offset travel for example do first the x-direction then y-direction.

Setnodenum is nice to change a variable value from a task.

Nodefunction let a flexscript code get executed to change for example the shape of an taskexecuter.

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Allen Greenwood avatar image Allen Greenwood ♦ commented ·

Okay, now the follow-on's answer has what I need. Thanks!

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