
Abdullah A avatar image
Abdullah A asked Benjamin W2 answered

How can I assign flow item type via a label that i created in the source ?

Hello all,

I'm trying to set item type through a label i created in the source with an arrival schedule. For some reason it's not taking the label value and keeps defaulting to 0.

The type will only work if I put a number there manually. I don't understand why the item type doesn't want to pickup the label of the same item

I'm setting the item type on creation trigger in the source.

The "Label" is the last column "BaleType"

and i'm using the "Set Item Type" to value item.BaleType

It's always defaulting to 0

Thank you for your time

Abdullah Abdullsalam

FlexSim 18.1.2
flexsim 18.1.2label assignmenttype
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1 Answer

Benjamin W2 avatar image
Benjamin W2 answered

Hi @Abdullah A,

I'm trying to replicate this issue, but it seems to be working for me.

Can you upload a sample model with the issue?

Also, it looks like your "BaleType" might be formatted as a string. Notice that it is left aligned instead of right aligned like the other numbers.

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