
Luis Adrian E avatar image
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Luis Adrian E asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Experimenter with Process Flow

In the model there are two separate dispatchers, one for operators and one for task executers. The model uses Process Flow and works perfectly. However, when I try to use Experimenter to vary the number of task executers in any of the dispatchers, it seems like if the new task executers are not being used for the process. How can I get consistent results for the Experimenter and the 3D model? Am I defining wrong the variables in the Experimenter?


FlexSim 20.2.3
processflowexperimenterflexsim 20.2.3
e-experimenter1.fsm (76.3 KiB)
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Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered

I'm not sure how this happened, but Operator3 has a flowitemtype node. To remove that node, open a Script Window, paste in this script, and run it:

  1. Object op3 = Model.find("Operator3");
  2. if (op3.attrs.itemtype) {
  3.     op3.attrs.itemtype.destroy();
  4. }

Once you do this, the experiment variable works properly.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

You have chosen a ligitimate option and set it correctly. However when you choose the defeault reset scenario you'll see that if you go to scenario 1 it will delete the other two operators, but going back to 3 it will not recreate them. And since we don't start all scenarios and have each proceed through the replications it means that all the replications start at one and remove the operators.

It looks like a bug to me - I'll flag it up.

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